Team Tomato – Insalata Erbette e Tre Pomodori

I was cheering on behalf of Cucina Fintastica for Gli Azzurri yesterday to no avail. Stupid football. Stupid Uruguay team (apart from the tight compression shirts that is). Fortunately I am also an avid supporter of another team that never fails: Team Tomato. This salad includes three types of them and with the help of…

The Competitive Carrots – Carote al Latte

Having used quite a bit of different herbs in my cooking recently, today I found my fridge looking like a jungle. As I do not have a beautiful garden à la Jamie O. or James Martin where to transfer them, it was time to take some serious cooking action. The first two herbs to catch…

Greatly Recommended – Ravioli di Zucca

There was a bit of a milestone in my path of food-blogging some weeks ago: I got a recommendation for a recipe for my blog! Coming from a reliable source of a fellow foodie, I was eager to give it a try. My friend also helped me prepare the dish which was certainly a bonus…